Results for 'Tracey L. Gladstone'

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  1.  19
    Hegel, nietzche and the criticism of metaphysics: Stephen Houlgate , xvii + 300 pp, cloth £27.50. [REVIEW]Tracey L. Gladstone - 1988 - History of European Ideas 9 (3):368-369.
  2. Cognition and metacognition in dreaming and waking: Comparisons of first and third-person ratings.Tracey L. Kahan & S. LaBerge - 1996 - Dreaming 6:235-249.
  3.  41
    Assessing metacognitive skills in waking and sleep: A psychometric analysis of the Metacognitive, Affective, Cognitive Experience (MACE) questionnaire.Tracey L. Kahan & Kieran T. Sullivan - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):340-352.
    The Metacognitive, Affective, Cognitive Experience questionnaire was designed to assess metacognition across sleep and waking . The present research evaluates the psychometric properties of the MACE. Data from two recent studies were used to assess the inter-item consistency, test–retest reliability, and factorial, convergent, and discriminant validity of the MACE. Results show that the MACE is a reliable measure with good construct validity. Exploratory factor analyses revealed one self-regulation and two monitoring factors. One monitoring factor emphasized monitoring internal conditions; the other (...)
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  4. Consciousness in dreaming: A metacognitive approach.Tracey L. Kahan - 2001 - In Kelly Bulkeley (ed.), Dreams: A Reader on Religious, Cultural and Psychological Dimensions of Dreaming. Palgrave. pp. 333-360.
  5.  68
    Similarities and Differences between Dreaming and Waking Cognition: An Exploratory Study.Tracey L. Kahan, Stephen LaBerge, Lynne Levitan & Philip Zimbardo - 1997 - Consciousness and Cognition 6 (1):132-147.
    Thirty-eight “practiced” dreamers and 50 “novice” dreamers completed questionnaires assessing the cognitive, metacognitive, and emotional qualities of recent waking and dreaming experiences. The present findings suggest that dreaming cognition is more similar to waking cognition than previously assumed and that the differences between dreaming and waking cognition are more quantitative than qualitative. Results from the two studies were generally consistent, indicating that high-order cognition during dreaming is not restricted to individuals practiced in dream recall or self-observation. None of the measured (...)
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  6. Lucid dreaming as metacognition: Implications for cognitive science.Tracey L. Kahan & Stephen LaBerge - 1994 - Consciousness and Cognition 3 (2):246-64.
    Evidence of reflective awareness and metacognitive monitoring during REM sleep dreaming poses a significant challenge to the commonly held view of dream cognition as necessarily deficient relative to waking cognition. To date, dream metacognition has not received the theoretical or experimental attention it deserves. As a result, discussions of dream cognition have been underrepresented in theoretical accounts of consciousness. This paper argues for using a converging measures approach to investigate the range and limits of cognition and metacognition across the sleep–wakefulness (...)
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  7. Dreaming and waking: Similarities and differences revisited.Tracey L. Kahan & Stephen P. LaBerge - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):494-514.
    Dreaming is often characterized as lacking high-order cognitive skills. In two studies, we test the alternative hypothesis that the dreaming mind is highly similar to the waking mind. Multiple experience samples were obtained from late-night REM sleep and waking, following a systematic protocol described in Kahan . Results indicated that reported dreaming and waking experiences are surprisingly similar in their cognitive and sensory qualities. Concurrently, ratings of dreaming and waking experiences were markedly different on questions of general reality orientation and (...)
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  8.  16
    Combining gender, class, and race: Structuring relations in the ontario dental profession.Tracey L. Adams - 1998 - Gender and Society 12 (5):578-597.
    This study examines the relationship between gender, class, and race through a case study of the Ontario, Canada dental profession in the first two decades of the twentieth century. During this time period dentists endeavored to solidify their claims to professional status by defining their relations with patients, the public, and with dental assistants. Dentists drew on gender, class, and racial-ethnic relations and ideology in defining these relations and fostering their professional identity. Dentists' use of these relations enabled them to (...)
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  9.  36
    Expendable Commodities.Tracey L. Cohen - 2018 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (2):219-229.
    Human subjects in the developing world historically have been, and continue to be, treated like expendable commodities in clinical research. This paper will explore some of the factors that make those in the third world prime targets for exploitation. It will also challenge a deeply-entrenched view that has permitted this unethical conduct to persist—namely, the belief that the standard of medical care should vary depending upon where a research subject lives. The paper will also discuss the Food and Drug Administration’s (...)
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  10.  68
    The “problem” of dreaming in NREM sleep continues to challenge reductionist (two generator) models of dream generation.Tracey L. Kahan - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):956-958.
    The “problem” of dreaming in NREM sleep continues to challenge models that propose a causal relationship between REM mechanisms and the psychological features of dreaming. I suggest that, ultimately, efforts to identify correspondences among multiple levels of analysis will be more productive for dream theory than attempts to reduce dreaming to any one level of analysis. [Hobson et al. ; Nielsen].
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  11.  8
    Deconstructing nursing's paradoxical relationship with the concept of complexity.Tracey L. Clancy - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (3):e12487.
    Although nursing seems to understand itself and its practice as complex, the literature is less clear about what this actually means. While complexity is discussed as an attribute of nursing, it is also suggested that complexity in nursing remains misunderstood and poorly articulated, is devalued, is not considered as a measure of health outcomes and remains invisible. Despite the overarching lack of a definition, some nurse scholars have conceptualized complexity as a complex intervention. For these authors, complexity becomes a complex (...)
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  12.  31
    Gerald Shklar;, David Chernin . A Sourcebook of Dental Medicine. xxi + 839 pp., illus., indexes. Waban, Mass.: Maro Publications, 2002. $90. [REVIEW]Tracey L. Adams - 2003 - Isis 94 (3):514-515.
  13.  57
    The impact of September 11 on dreaming☆.Kelly Bulkeley & Tracey L. Kahan - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1248-1256.
    This study focuses on a set of dreams related to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and their aftermath, using content analysis and cognitive psychology to explore the interweaving of external public catastrophe and internal psychological processes. The study tests several recent claims in contemporary dream research, including the central image theory of Hartmann [Hartmann, E., & Basile, R. . Dream imagery becomes more intense after 9/11/01. Dreaming, 13, 61–66; Hartmann, E., & Brezler, T. . A systematic change in dreams (...)
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  14.  6
    Implementing Checklists to Improve Police Responses to Co-Victims of Gun Violence.Samuel A. Kuhn & Tracey L. Meares - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S4):39-46.
    This qualitative study identifies police interactions with gun violence co-victims as a crucial, overlooked component of police unresponsiveness, particularly in minority communities where perceptions of police illegitimacy and legal estrangement are relatively high. Gun violence co-victims in three cities participated in online surveys, in which they described pervasive disregard by police in the aftermath of their loved ones' shooting victimization. We build on the checklist model that has improved public safety outcomes in other complex, high-intensity professional contexts to propose a (...)
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  15.  24
    The lack of integration of clinical audit and the maintenance of medical dominance within British hospital trusts.Tracey L. McErlain-Burns & Richard Thomson - 1999 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 5 (3):323-333.
  16.  20
    Introduction.Ian Ayres, Abbe R. Gluck, Katherine L. Kraschel, Tracey L. Meares & Caroline Nobo Sarnoff - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S4):9-10.
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  17.  23
    Some functional relationships of reaction potential (SER) and related phenomena.Arthur I. Gladstone, Harry G. Yamaguchi, Clark L. Hull & John M. Felsinger - 1947 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 37 (6):510.
  18.  48
    Psychological Shift in Partners of People with Multiple Sclerosis Who Undertake Lifestyle Modification: An Interpretive Phenomenological Study.Sandra L. Neate, Keryn L. Taylor, George A. Jelinek, Alysha M. De Livera, Chelsea R. Brown & Tracey J. Weiland - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  19.  34
    A proposed quantification of habit strength.Clark L. Hull, John M. Felsinger, Arthur I. Gladstone & Harry G. Yamaguchi - 1947 - Psychological Review 54 (5):237-254.
  20.  16
    Mental and physical training with meditation and aerobic exercise improved mental health and well-being in teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic.Docia L. Demmin, Steven M. Silverstein & Tracey J. Shors - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:847301.
    Teachers face significant stressors in relation to their work, placing them at increased risk for burnout and attrition. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about additional challenges, resulting in an even greater burden. Thus, strategies for reducing stress that can be delivered virtually are likely to benefit this population. Mental and Physical (MAP) Training combines meditation with aerobic exercise and has resulted in positive mental and physical health outcomes in both clinical and subclinical populations. The aim of this pilot study was (...)
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  21.  49
    Rumination in major depressive disorder is associated with impaired neural activation during conflict monitoring.Brandon L. Alderman, Ryan L. Olson, Marsha E. Bates, Edward A. Selby, Jennifer F. Buckman, Christopher J. Brush, Emily A. Panza, Amy Kranzler, David Eddie & Tracey J. Shors - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:133309.
    Individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD) often ruminate about past experiences, especially those with negative content. These repetitive thoughts may interfere with cognitive processes related to attention and conflict monitoring. However, the temporal nature of these processes as reflected in event-related potentials (ERPs) has not been well-described. We examined behavioral and ERP indices of conflict monitoring during a modified flanker task and the allocation of attention during an attentional blink (AB) task in 33 individuals with MDD and 36 healthy controls, (...)
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  22. A science lesson plan analysis instrument for formative and summative program evaluation of a teacher education program.Christina L. Jacobs, Sonya N. Martin & Tracey C. Otieno - 2008 - Science Education 92 (6):1096-1126.
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  23.  35
    Reaction latency (StR) as a function of the number of reinforcements (N).John M. Felsinger, Arthur I. Gladstone, Harry G. Yamaguchi & Clark L. Hull - 1947 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 37 (3):214.
  24.  70
    Do US Black Women Experience Stress-Related Accelerated Biological Aging?Arline T. Geronimus, Margaret T. Hicken, Jay A. Pearson, Sarah J. Seashols, Kelly L. Brown & Tracey Dawson Cruz - 2010 - Human Nature 21 (1):19-38.
    We hypothesize that black women experience accelerated biological aging in response to repeated or prolonged adaptation to subjective and objective stressors. Drawing on stress physiology and ethnographic, social science, and public health literature, we lay out the rationale for this hypothesis. We also perform a first population-based test of its plausibility, focusing on telomere length, a biomeasure of aging that may be shortened by stressors. Analyzing data from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN), we estimate that at (...)
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  25.  47
    IRB and Research Regulatory Delays Within the Military Health System: Do They Really Matter? And If So, Why and for Whom?Michael C. Freed, Laura A. Novak, William D. S. Killgore, Sheila A. M. Rauch, Tracey P. Koehlmoos, J. P. Ginsberg, Janice L. Krupnick, Albert "Skip" Rizzo, Anne Andrews & Charles C. Engel - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (8):30-37.
    Institutional review board delays may hinder the successful completion of federally funded research in the U.S. military. When this happens, time-sensitive, mission-relevant questions go unanswered. Research participants face unnecessary burdens and risks if delays squeeze recruitment timelines, resulting in inadequate sample sizes for definitive analyses. More broadly, military members are exposed to untested or undertested interventions, implemented by well-intentioned leaders who bypass the research process altogether. To illustrate, we offer two case examples. We posit that IRB delays often appear in (...)
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  26.  21
    Characteristics of dispersions based on the pooled momentary reaction potentials sEr of a group.Harry G. Yamaguchi, Clark L. Hull, John M. Felsinger & Arthur I. Gladstone - 1948 - Psychological Review 55 (4):216-238.
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  27. Cultivating Curious and Creative Minds: The Role of Teachers and Teacher Educators, Part Ii.Terrell M. Peace, Donald S. Blumenfeld-Jones, Anne Chodakowski, Julia Cote, Cheryl J. Craig, Joyce M. Dutcher, Kieran Egan, Ginny Esch, Sharon Friesen, Brenda Gladstone, David Jardine, Kathryn L. Jenkins, Gillian C. Judson, Dixie K. Keyes, Beverly J. Klug, Chris Lasher-Zwerling, Teresa Leavitt, Shaun Murphy, Jacqueline Sack, Kym Stewart, Madalina Tanase, Kip Téllez, Sandra Wasko-Flood & Patricia T. Whitfield (eds.) - 2011 - R&L Education.
    Presents a plethora of approaches to developing human potential in areas not conventionally addressed. Organized in two parts, this international collection of essays provides viable educational alternatives to those currently holding sway in an era of high-stakes accountability.
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  28.  7
    Rousseau et le matérialisme.Clovis Gladstone - 2020 - Oxford: Liverpool University Press on behalf of Voltaire Foundation, University of Oxford.
    Peu d'études se sont attardées sur la dimension matérialiste de la pensée de J-J. Rousseau. si ce n'est que pour s'en tenir largement à l'analyse de Marcel Raymond qui voyait dans le philosophe genevois un continuateur de l'empirisme lockien. Or, l'oeuvre de Rousseau, en particulier dans sa forme autobiographique et théorique, s'appuie continuellement sur le matérialisme ambiant de son époque. La matérialisme rousseauiste constitue même la clé permettant d'éclairer la relation complexe que le citoyen de Genève entretient avec ses contemporains (...)
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  29.  16
    Communicative Understandings of Women's Leadership Development: From Ceilings of Glass to Labyrinth Paths.Alice H. Eagly, Janie Harden Fritz, Tamara L. Burke, Ned S. Laff, Erin L. Payseur, Diane A. Forbes Berthoud, Sheri A. Whalen, Amy C. Branam, Nathalie Duval-Couetil, Rebecca L. Dohrman, Jenna Stephenson, Melissa Wood Alemá, Jennifer A. Malkowski, Cara Jacocks, Tracey Quigley Holden & Sandra L. French (eds.) - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    Communicative Understandings of Women's Leadership Development: From Ceilings of Glass to Labyrinth Paths, edited by Elesha L. Ruminski and Annette M. Holba, weaves the disciplines of communication studies, leadership studies, and women's studies to offer theoretical and practical reflection about women's leadership development in academic, organizational, and political contexts. This work claims a space for women's leadership studies and acknowledges the paradigmatic shift from discussing women's leadership using the glass ceiling to what Eagly and Carli identify as the labyrinth of (...)
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  30.  33
    Tracey L. Adams. A Dentist and a Gentleman: Gender and the Rise of Dentistry in Ontario. ix + 236 pp., illus., refs., index. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000. $45. [REVIEW]R. Steven Turner - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):321-321.
  31. Sage mir, welche Blaus Du siehst, und ich sage Dir, wes Landes Kind Du bist. Protestnote gegen Eurozentrismus in der Farblinguistik.Olaf L. Müller - 2021 - In Matthias Claudius Hofmann (ed.), Grüner Himmel, blaues Gras. Farben ordnen Welten. pp. 40-51.
    Um die menschliche Farbwahrnehmung zu durchleuchten und nach transkulturellen Invarianten oder Variationen zu fahnden, pflegen anglophone Forscher seit Gladstones Pionierstudie aus dem Jahr 1858 zu untersuchen, wie die Farbwörter in den Sprachen anderer Zeiten und Länder funktionieren. Während die beachtlichen Ergebnisse dieser Forschung aus neuerer Zeit sehr wohl ins Schwarze treffen könnten, ist ihre Methode kritisch zu sehen: Bei der Untersuchung fremder Sprachen und Wahrnehmungsweisen erscheint es unstatthaft, eine bestimmte Ordnung des Farbenraumes vorauszusetzen, die auf Newton zurückgeht und selbst in (...)
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    On the Rev. L. F. Mills' Edition of the Gathas.Maurice Bloomfield & L. H. Mills - 1882 - American Journal of Philology 3 (12):499.
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  33. H.L.A. Hart y El Concepto de Derecho.H. L. A. Hart & Agustín Squella - 1986 - Universidad de Valparaiso.
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  34.  17
    Toward a quantitative theory of secondary reinforcement.L. B. Wyckoff - 1959 - Psychological Review 66 (1):68-78.
  35. Mechanisms of Adaptive Behavior: Clark L. Hull's Theoretical Papers, with Commentary.Clark L. Hull, A. Amsel & M. E. Rashotte - 1985 - Behaviorism 13 (2):171-182.
  36.  49
    (1 other version)Buddhist Ethics: A Philosophical Exploration.Jay L. Garfield - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    "'Buddhist Ethics' presents an outline of Buddhist ethical thought. It is not a defense of Buddhist approaches to ethics as opposed to any other, nor is it a critique of the Western tradition. Garfield presents a broad overview of a range of Buddhist approaches to the question of moral philosophy. He argues that while there are important points of contact with these Western frameworks, Buddhist ethics is distinctive, and is a kind of moral phenomenology that is concerned with the ways (...)
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  37.  25
    The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics in Special Relativity.L. Gavassino - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (11):1554-1586.
    We critically revisit the definition of thermal equilibrium, in its operational formulation, provided by standard thermodynamics. We show that it refers to experimental conditions which break the covariance of the theory at a fundamental level and that, therefore, it cannot be applied to the case of moving bodies. We propose an extension of this definition which is manifestly covariant and can be applied to the study of isolated systems in special relativity. The zeroth law of thermodynamics is, then, proven to (...)
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  38.  6
    Principles for progress: essays on religion and modernity. ʻAbduʼl-Bahá - 2018 - [Leiden, The Netherlands]: Leiden University Press. Edited by Sen McGlinn & ʻAbduʼl-Bahá.
    This book presents three of the works of Abdu'l-Bahá, son of the founder of the Bahá'i Faith, dealing with social and political issues.00In 'The Secret of Divine Civilization' (1875) Abdu'l-Bahá supports the administrative and broader social reforms of Mirzá Hosayn Khán, but looks mainly for organic reform through the efforts of Iranian intellectuals to waken and educate the masses. In this work, Abdu'l-Bahá gives virtuous and progressive Islamic clerics a leading role among these intellectuals, indeed most of his appeals are (...)
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  39. Kamāl Yūsuf al-Ḥājj: abʻādun minh-- wa-abʻadu minhā.Kamāl Yūsuf Ḥājj (ed.) - 1998 - Lubnān: Jāmiʻat Sayyidat al-Luwayzah.
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  40. La holologia come progetto di metafisica descrittiva. Le parti e l'intero nella concezione di Aristotele. I'.L. Dappiano - forthcoming - Axiomathes.
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  41. La phénoménologie et la théorie de l'abstraction selon Jacques Maritain in Jacques Maritain philosophe dans la cité.L. Charette - 1985 - Philosophica.(Ottawa) 28:103-112.
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  42.  66
    Complexity as a contrast between dynamics and phenomenology.L. C. Zuchowski - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 63:86-99.
  43.  30
    Academic freedom.L. L. B. A. - 1934 - Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 12 (3):233-238.
  44. Akhlāq dar partaw-i Qurʼān va Ḥadīs̲.ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ʻAdīl - 2011 - Kābul: Intishārāt-i Iṣlāḥ-i Afkār, Bakhsh-i Nasharāt-i Jamʻīyat-i Iṣlāḥ va Inkishāf-i Ijtimāʻī-i Afghānistān.
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  45. Death: Merely biological? James L. Bernat replies.J. L. Bernat - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (1):5-5.
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  46.  27
    The Underdeveloped “Gift”: Ethics in Implementing Precision Medicine Research.Michelle L. McGowan, Melanie F. Myers, John A. Lynch, Kristin E. Childers-Buschle & Amy A. Blumling - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4):67-69.
    Lee emphasizes the need to better understand the moral relationship between researchers and participants connoted by precision medicine, with the framework of “the gift” offering bioethics a...
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  47. L'Esprit Synthétique de la Chine.L. Kia-Hway - 1961
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  48. Dean, L. R. and Deferrari, R. J.: Selections from Roman Historians.A. L. Messer - 1918 - Classical Weekly 12:184.
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  49. The C. L. R. James Reader.Anna Grimshaw, C. L. R. James, Keith Hart & Robert A. Hill - 1996 - Science and Society 60 (2):220-226.
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  50.  10
    Sofocle.L. A. Post & Gennaro Perrotta - 1939 - American Journal of Philology 60 (3):392.
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